Northland Area Builders Association Benefits
Whether your company is a large enterprise or a small business, membership offers benefits for everyone
Business Contacts. Membership gets you involved and noticed in the building industry— get noticed and you get sales! From dinner meetings, social events, golf tournaments, table top nights, committees, NAHB Annual Convention & Trade Show, and WBA Annual Convention, there are many ways for you to build relationships with fellow professionals, customers and suppliers.
Powerful Advocacy. Being part of an association of 225,000 members nationwide means you have a strong voice to shape local, state and federal laws affecting your business.
Every day the NAHB and WBA fight to defeat excessive regulations that are driving up the cost of housing. That puts money and time back in your pocket. On a local level, we keep you informed and provide opportunities for you to make a difference.
Education. Knowledge is power and membership will keep you on the cutting edge of building trends, legislative developments and construction technology. Seminars and workshops are offered monthly and many are available for Continuing Education credit towards the Dwelling Contractor Qualifier Certification.
Marketing. Home renovations, Northwoods Home & Garden, Hayward Chamber and Commerce website link and Membership Directory fliers for lumber yards and local businesses are just a few advertising opportunities available to all NABA members to gain recognition for your company. Members are listed for free in several directories including online on the NABA website, Up North Living publication and the annual NABA Building & Remodeling Directory.
Value-added Benefits. Health, life, and disability insurance are offered exclusively through WBA and can return money to your business. Member to member discounts, and NAHB offers discounts on hotels, rental cars, office products, computers, overnight delivery services, payroll services, and more! More information on Revenue Sharing Dollars from SBGP can be found here
Critical News & Information. Knowledge is your best defense in this rapidly changing industry and association membership is the single, most authoritative source of housing information. Your membership ensures you’ll be in the know with e-mail news updates, monthly newsletters, and a local website.
What Is In For You?
If you’re involved in or get your business from the residential construction industry, you should be a member of the NABA. No other organization is out there fighting for housing affordability, balance and choice, protecting the ability of our industry to build housing, and providing valuable opportunities for you to develop and grow your business.
Each year, members are inundated with regulations and code changes (from local, state and national levels) that can significantly raise the prices paid by consumers for new housing and remodeling projects. Such increases can force tens of thousands of buyers out of the market national due to the lack of affordability. The NABA, WBA and NAHB work to give members a unified, strong voice in order to defeat excessive regulations and defend affordable housing initiatives. As a result, builder and remodeler members are saving thousands annually through their investment in membership. When builders and remodelers are able to pull permits, Associate members also benefit through increased and/or stabilized sales.
NABA supports continuous learning through a number of venues. Members and their guests are exposed to educational messages from keynote speakers at general meetings and select awards programs. In addition, members can attend various programs offered throughout the year, many at little or no charge. Opportunities range from in-person, DVD, and online courses for credit with the Wisconsin Department of Professional Services (formerly Wisconsin Department of Commerce), to seminars and roundtable discussions where members bounce ideas off one another to professional designations.

Business Development
Through countless industry and consumer events, membership can help you create leads, market your company and build your business. Whether it is through signature consumer shows, our exclusive electronic bid and plan center, unique member videos featured in our online Membership Directory or industry events, by integrating Association partnership opportunities with your sales and marketing strategies, you can create leads, build your brand and generate sales.
Peer-to-Peer Networking
Membership provides a host of opportunities to get together, in large and small group formats, at member locations around the region and in a virtual environment. Forums, Roundtables, Socials, Reverse Trade Shows, Committees, monthly functions, and a range of social events all provide opportunities for you to connect with others, share business tips and practices and develop a strong professional base.
Raising the Bar
NABA is leading a regional coalition of local home builder associations, industry leaders, county officials, inspectors and state regulators in promoting the use of credentialed, insured contractors for all home and cabin projects in northern Wisconsin. We are also leading a group of local associations in an alliance with OSHA to promote safety and education in the industry.
Industry News and Trends
Through our print, electronic and social media communications, we keep you up to speed on the latest and greatest in housing industry news, building products and services, changes in regulations and fees, trends in new and remodeled construction, economic indicators and more.
Consumer Publications
Members can download specialty booklets, etc. to give to their consumers. The current list includes: Construction Industry Standards Manual, Practical Guide to Your New Home, Choosing a Contractor, and more. Members also receive a 20% discount on all books, brochures, videotapes and audiocassettes available through the NAHB Builders Bookstore, Builder Books. The NABA Building & Remodeling Directory is published annually, listing all association members, leadership and staff as well as contains articles and resources aimed at home and cabin owners. In addition, members’ services are categorized by product or service.